Jordan Supplementary Industries LLC is considered one of the leading companies in the custom- made metal, stainless steel and glass manufacturers in Jordan.
The company was established in 2000 under the name Golden Palace Co where the main service it provided included powder coating painting and blacksmithing workshops. In the aftermath, the Golden Palace Co changed its name into Art Works Co for architectural lines. Finally, it retained its name the Jordan Supplementary Industries LLC.
To meet the growing base of its clientele, Jordan Supplementary Industries started to offer additional services in the field of glass work, water jet and mirror products for business and home owners.
The foundation of this family business has been reinforced over the years by the constant and enduring endeavor to satisfy its ever growing clientele while diversifying its distinctive products line, which has now firmly established Jordan Supplementary Industries as one of the leading Custom made for the steel, metal, wood and glass manufacturers in Jordan.